BEAF Festival
Speech is shaped breath
Breathing Paintings
Translucent, ghostly, prescence
Breathing in the community - coming together
Struggling for breath
It is invisible but it is what connects us
Breath in politics
Waves of changes
waves of breathing
Bournemouth sea
Above is an example of a painted installation I have made previously, combining painting and sound.
Poetry as sound/audio
I would need to explore ways in which to display the work, but I am imagining a large scale piece which can be walked around or through.
Below are a few ideas I’ve been thinking about along with test prints of paintings on to different translucent fabrics.
Invisible prescence
Contemporary Painting
Inner and outer selves
Unheard voices
I can’t breathe
The sea/ripples/breathing tide/turbulent times
Respiratory narratives
“The wave paused, and then drew out again, sighing like a sleeper whose breath comes and goes unconsciously.” ― Virginia Woolf, The Waves
Coming up for air